Coach David Ito is passionate about helping men 50+ reduce pain and increase wellbeing through holistic health and wellness coaching.

Coach David holds an MSc. in Public Health Nutrition and is certified as a Life Coach and Yoga Teacher (YTT700). In addition to coaching, he also works as a yoga teacher and mentor in NYC and online.

David is a former frontline humanitarian worker. He spent 15 years in war torn countries across the world running relief and emergency programs in refugee camps for the International Red Cross, UNICEF and the World Food Program. 

David's passion for resilience, longevity and quality of life stems from being bedridden and disabled for years due to degenerative disc disease, PTSD and multiple near-death experiences.

At a personal level, David leads a 'modern urban yogic lifestyle' in NYC by practicing yoga, meditation and healthy living. He likes to have fun spending time outdoors and has recently taken up Hustle Dance. He is a former competitive gymnast - hence his passion for functional movement, anatomy and physiology.

David created the LIFE WELLNESS SCHOOL and LIFE WELLNESS COACHING PROGRAM FOR MEN.  Through these platforms, David has helped hundreds of men improve their quality of life.